Signal levels


One thing that you might have noticed from the passthrough example is that the output signal is not very loud. To correct this, we can add a gain factor to the processfunction that multiplies each signal sample by a constant.

Removing the DC offset

In general, in DSP applications we assume that input signals are zero mean. This is no different in the case of our microphone, so that, if there is no sound, we expect a sequence of zeros. If you actually look at the input samples, however, you will almost certainly find out that this is not so. In fact, the internal circuitry in the microphone almost always adds a voltage offset, and sometimes different microphones (of the same manufacturer) will have different offsets. We typically call this shift in the waveform a DC offset/noise/bias.

DC offsets are highly undesirable since they limit the dynamic range of our system; in other words, we are "wasting" binary digits on a constant that serves no purpose.

TASK 1: From your passthrough implementation, determine the value of the offset. Is it significant compared to the range of the microphone?

Hint: put a breakpoint in the process function while being quiet; then with the debug tool, check the content of the input buffer.

Unfortunately this filter has the very poor frequency response shown here and, while good as a first approximation, it is not really recommended if audio quality is important to you.

A better filter is obtained by using a an IIR DC notch which, while marginally more expensive computationally, provides a much flatter frequency response over the audio frequency band:

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